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Home | Projects | Sci-Ride


sci-ride is a toolkit for creating rollercoaster rides. The tools have been developed in Dynamo and Grasshopper and automate the tasks of designing, analysis, and preparing for production.

The Toolkit includes:


Ride Design:

 • Generate Ride path
 • Generate structure 

 • Generate Safety Zone 
 • Show slope and length
 • Monitor slope
 • Detect Safety Clash

Arc Fit:

 • Grasshopper production segments logic
 • Optimization algorithm

Air Drag Analysis:

 • Air drag analysis algorith

 • Velocity vizualization
 • Acceleration diagram

 • Revit Schedule and Excel export

 • GWA file upload and analysis  

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Arc Fit

The tool solves the problem of arc fitting in a given 3-dimensional curve. It creates approximation  of a series of finite number tangent segments. It's being used in production processes aiming to simplify a 3-dimensional NURBS curve.


Unlike conventional processes, in which the geometry for each individual curve is designed through manual iterations, the proposed workflow is generative - based on optimization through generation of a number of possible solutions.


The generated designs are then automatically rated.
The evaluation process is based on the average discrepancies compared to the original 3d curve and the transition smoothness between discrete segments.


The best performing solution is then generated in the software interface and the segments are ready to export for production.


Since the workflow has been introduced, over 30 projects have been complete with a dramatic cut of the design work-hours and related costs.


Air Drag Analysis

Air Drag is a custom Autodesk Revit plugin which we developed to address speed-related issues due to air drag and specific wind conditions. In some cases strong winds can cause speed drop or even a full stop during the gravity driven ride. 


The tool provides real time built-in air drag analysis and determines the theoretic speed values along the line, which helps in making informed design decisions.


Full integration within Autodesk Revit and the intuitive interface allow fast design iterations. The velocity analysis view is generated in the application window as part of the project and all parameter values are recorded in the family instances.


Segments of the ride with speeds less than a certain marginal value can then be redesigned in order to avoid unnecessary slowing down or stopping. 


Calculating the velocity values comes along with estimation of the centripetal acceleration - an important safety consideration.


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